Swim and Bike route previews
How is your training going? You can now check out our Swim and Bike routes for our Sprint Triathlon on our website. Camida Sprint...

Triathlon is coming to Clonmel!!
Clonmel Tri is delighted to announce that it will be hosting it's first Sprint Tri on 14th May. Entries via Triathlon Ireland Triathlon...

Open Night Success
Congratulations to all that organised and attended our Open Night in TUS last night. Many thanks to our speakers and exhibitors for...

Club Awards, Sunday 4th December
The club awards will be presented next Sunday evening 4th December at 7pm. Venue, Eldon's Front Bar. Can members email their race results...

Verge Teamstore open
Our Verge team store is open once again to view. We intend to submit an order early December which should be delivered end of January....

2023 Membership now open
Clonmel Tri Club is now fully affiliated to Triathlon Ireland for the coming year 2023. Its time to renew membership and you won't want...

Club Swim Training - Winter 2022
Clonmel Triathlon club are starting our winter swim coaching Monday night From 7pm to 8pm starting next Monday 14th November for a 6-week...

Weekend Action...
Best of luck to Ciaran Doheny who is taking on the hills of Pembrokeshire this Sunday. Hopefully the training on the hills around Clonmel...